Jeph's World

Meet Craig, The Scallywag I've Known Since Middle School

Episode Summary

Craig and I met in 7th grade and were fast friends. Shortly thereafter we realized we were MFEO. Me, a thick and wild hair and Craig, a short, thin pillar of the community type of guy. He's the Dr Jekyll to my Mr Hyde. In this pod, we talk about what Craig is up to in life and I basically just introduce you to the best guy I know. I barely scratch the surface of his kindness, selflessness, and sagacity. We didn't get around to the story about when I pooped in his locker in high school, but we do talk briefly about the ridiculous painful pranks we and our friend group would endure. Craig and I can be earthy, but I try to keep things earth-free on Jeph's World. However, Craig gave me an opportunity to use a BEEP noise on the pod! My first time ever! And the word wasn't even that bad! I just wanted to use it to make it sound like he said something really bad! I'm a bad person. Craig will be back on future episodes, and you'll just have to put up with it.