Jeph's World

Brennan, B-bop, Bubby, Birthday Boy

Episode Summary

My son. He's definitely the craziest kid I have and if I worry about one of my kids dying from a game of double-dare, it's this kid. Somehow, even with his very serious food allergies, he's made it to the BIG 1-5. That's right, he's turning 15 in a few days, so that's why he's the guest this week. Birthday Babies (that's right, he's STILL and FOREVER my baby!) get the spotlight and he's the first birthday we celebrate every year. In this pod, he talks to me about video games, animation, things he's creating, legos, and a bunch of other stuff I only have peripheral knowledge of. I really hope he gets to become some sort of game designing, lego building, superhero loving adult because I'm not sure he'd ever succeed in a cubicle working on spreadsheets and memos. I'm not sure if that means we've failed him as parents or succeeded at an elite level. Time will tell I suppose.